Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Why I am Starting This Blog

I have spent my professional life in publishing and always thought "how silly that people are blogging away about their uninteresting lives on the Internet and people are actually reading this drivel." And, who has time to write these things anyway? I'm never going to do this.

As a published author of several books on quilt-making and the business of publishing, I know how hard it is to write -- put thoughts on paper (wow! That's a phrase out of my past!) and tell a story or share a technique or experience. In the old days, (was that 8 or 10 years ago?) people got their information from carefully vetted sources. Now, it's a free-for-all. Who knows who is to trust?

So, with my anti-blogging bias, why have I finally decided to "go with the flow" and blog?

Because I think I have something to say.

This blog will not talk about my pets (I don't have any) or children (I don't have any of these either). It won't talk about my husband (I do have on of those) or my daily activities (that's what Twitter is for). My blog will attempt to share with you my life as an artist and what I am trying to accomplish in the next 10 years. I will share my work in progress and tell you what I am learning, who I am following, and how I am slowly becoming a professional artist.

You may or may not agree with what I say but I will read and respond to your comments should you choose to share your thoughts. I don't know how many "blogs" I will post in a month but I promise to share something at least one a week. There needs to be a set time for this activity in my life because what I really want to do is be at my studio, making art.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to BLOGLIFE, Carol Ann! I totally share your feelings and although I am often a twit, I vow never to be a Twitter! (Knitter, yes, besides sewing, the second best thing in the world.) I hate Facebook too. Ridiculous. But I have succumbed to Blogging and your idea of blogging once a week, come what may, is a good one, I will try to fulfill that goal. I'll be keeping an eye on you! Happy memories of Ohio still with me and I think of you every time I wear my springy bracelets, they still have your ebullient karma!

    Bestest regards, Debbie Bein, trying harder than ever to make art and sense, visit MY blog at
